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Review: As A Tiger In The Jungle @ WMC
Cirkus Xanti & Ali Williams Productions – As A Tiger In The Jungle Western Studio, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Tuesday 24th October 2017 Since I frequently haunt cafes in Cardiff, I’ve…
by Weeping Tudor | 03/11/2017 at 8:19am
Review: Lucid Theatre – Little Wolf @ Chapter
Lucid Theatre – Little Wolf Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff Monday 23rd October 2017 The tackling of old plays into contemporary pieces is now standard. Whilst the Sherman’s Cherry Orchard is…
by Weeping Tudor | 25/10/2017 at 9:38am
“Quiet Hands” – Third Winterlight Productions Play about Autism and ‘mate crime’ – Video Interviews
DJFMITV continues its series ‘Autism in Popular Culture’ to talk to Tim Rhys, the producer and Josh Manfield, the lead actor, from Winterlight Productions of “Quiet Hands (a sequel to…
by DJFMITV | 13/09/2017 at 9:10am
Review: Spamalot – Everyman Theatre Cardiff’s Open Air Theatre Festival
Everyman Theatre: Spamalot Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival, Sophia Gardens June 2017 Around a year ago, I remember hastily searching for my purse (as well as the permission and accompaniment my…
by brew_nette | 28/06/2017 at 4:24pm
REVIEW: Not Dead Enough @ New Theatre
Peter James is one of the UK’s most successful crime novelists and he recently turned his attention to stage adaptations of his bestselling page turners. The most recent of these,…
by samuelpatterson | 19/06/2017 at 9:41am
Review: The Woman in Black @ New Theatre
The Woman in Black New Theatre, Cardiff Tuesday 6th June 2017 There aren’t many plays that are as impressive as The Woman in Black and when I say impressive I do of…
by dan45ist | 07/06/2017 at 2:51pm
Review: Experimentica Day #5 @ Chapter
Review: Experimentica Day #5 Chapter Arts Centre Sunday 2nd April 2017 It was a sad Sunday afternoon, when Experimentica came to an end. It has been another awesome five days…
by Weeping Tudor | 15/05/2017 at 10:00am
Review: ACT ONE – Playhouse Creatures @ Cardiff YMCA
Another gloriously warm evening in Cardiff to be spent in another boiling hot theatre space with spectators fanning themselves with their programs. It was in a part of Cardiff that I…
by dan45ist | 11/04/2017 at 8:29am
Review: Rent @ WMC
There’s always something a little bit scary about returning to the things you loved as a kid when you’re older and (supposedly) wiser. So sitting down to watch the 25th…
by Sarah Rose | 11/04/2017 at 8:17am
Review: The Nether @ Chapter
Company of Sirens & good cop bad cop – The Nether Seligman Theatre, Chapter Arts Centre Friday 17th March 2017 *you might be triggered reading this. A cautious warning* It…
by Weeping Tudor | 23/03/2017 at 10:37am
Blackbird @ The Other Room, Porter’s Cardiff
Blackbird | The Other Room, Porter’s | 25th October to 4th November 2016 Image credit: The Other Room’s website Opening during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2005 and recently dazzling the audiences…
by wooquay | 02/11/2016 at 12:34pm
Review: Layla’s Room @ Sherman Theatre, Cardiff
Layla’s Room | Sherman Theatre, Cardiff | 12th October Image credit: Sherman Theatre website Sabrina Mahfouz‘s new play, Layla’s Room is a beautiful homage to growing up and girlhood in the United Kingdom…
by Noorjehan | 14/10/2016 at 2:44pm
REVIEW: The Mousetrap @ New Theatre – Cardiff
When most people look back on the work of Agatha Christie what they mostly tend to remember, or envision in their remembrance, is her Miss Marple character of a small…
by dan45ist | 11/10/2016 at 12:50pm
Book Review: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (WARNING: Moderate Spoilers)
Now that the new Harry Potter story, Cursed Child, has been released in script format for us poorer and non London dwelling folk to consume, I’ve had some time to…
by paradox | 20/08/2016 at 5:05pm

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