Contact / Submit News
Got something to say? Want to become a part of TheSprout? Please fill out the form and someone will be in touch soon.
Submitting Articles & Events
There are 2 ways to submit articles and events to TheSprout:
1.’Sign Up / Sign In‘ on the top right of any page. Recommended for regular writers, this will give you access to the back-end of the website (after we’ve created you an account) and you will be able to add pictures* and videos* to your articles and events, as well as layout and preview your work.
2. If you just want to submit something as a one-off or are not comfortable using the back-end of the website, please feel free to post your article in the message box on this page. Please note you will not be able to upload images with your article or events this way, but feel free to email them to us at*.
If you have any questions, please pop them in the message box on this page.
*Please always provide the image/video source (URL link) so that we can link to it and can give it proper credit.
Please Note:
There are times when, by law, we must pass on the information you give us if it means you, or someone else, is at significant risk of harm. This is referred to as ’child protection.’
If this is the case, we will try to contact you to let you know that we are passing the information on to other organisations that can support you. We have to do this, with or without your permission. However, we will keep in contact with you to let you know what we are doing.
TheSprout’s Style Guide – tips on writing for TheSprout
TheSprout’s Picture Guide – tips on finding and uploading images with your articles

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