Posts by: Meg_Sprout
3 Ways to Get into Writing
It’s National Writing Day! If you’ve been with us since the beginning, then you might know that theSprout has always been a place for you to get your voice heard…
by Meg_Sprout | 26/06/2020 at 3:05pm
Aunty Sprout: How Can I Distract Myself From Negative Stuff?
Sometimes the negative things that happen in our lives get us down and it’s difficult to know how to get on with things. This is exactly how Esther is feeling…
by Meg_Sprout | 17/06/2020 at 12:00pm
#YourShout: Coronavirus and Me
The Children’s Commissioner for Wales wants to know how you’ve been affected by Coronavirus, by completing this survey. The results will be used by the Welsh Government to make sure…
by Meg_Sprout | 20/05/2020 at 10:10am
3 Ways to Help Your Grandparents in Lockdown
This time is hard for everyone, and especially for people who are vulnerable, lonely or elderly. So what can you do (while still abiding by the social distancing rules) to…
by Meg_Sprout | 14/05/2020 at 12:00am
Do I Need a Face Mask?
There’s been a lot in the news recently about making and wearing Covid-19 face masks. While Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England have all encouraged masks to be worn, the First…
by Meg_Sprout | 11/05/2020 at 10:34am
Be a Superhero!
Did you know that you have superpowers? You might not be able to fly or have super strength, but you can do something much more important. This is your chance to…
by Meg_Sprout | 05/05/2020 at 8:47am
Win a Nintendo Switch!
Lockdown may be getting everyone down, but here’s your chance to win a Nintendo Switch to make it a bit easier! This is the time to get your crayons or…
by Meg_Sprout | 27/04/2020 at 2:12pm
Microvolunteering Day 2020: What is it and why should you bother?
First of all, what IS Microvolunteering? Microvolunteering is a tiny act of volunteering; a random act of kindness that helps somebody else. There’s not much to it than that. But…
by Meg_Sprout | 15/04/2020 at 3:30pm
4 Types of Health to Consider this World Health Day
How did you spend World Health Day? Unless you’ve been hiding from the news, there’s a good chance that you have already been thinking about health a lot in the…
by Meg_Sprout | 08/04/2020 at 7:45am
Stuff That Isn’t COVID-19
The world is super weird at the moment. Whether you’re coping at home or not, we all need a bit of distraction now and then. This is a Safe Space:…
by Meg_Sprout | 01/04/2020 at 12:03pm
Yes, March 21 2020 Could Change Your Life*
*Well…sort of change your life. Ish. 2019 was an incredible year for the Cardiff music scene. Our vibrant little city is bursting with independent venues, underground acts, arena tours, and…well,…
by Meg_Sprout | 02/03/2020 at 5:01pm
Anti-Bullying: 5 Links that Could Save a Life
We’d be prepared to bet 1 million* sprouts that everyone knows somebody who has been affected by bullying at some point in their lives. Human beings can be lovely to…
by Meg_Sprout | 11/11/2019 at 2:39pm
Coat to spare? Time to share.
The UK’s largest self-storage company is calling on Cardiff residents to donate good quality, unwanted coats to Hands On London’s ‘Wrap Up Cardiff’ campaign by dropping them off at the Cardiff, Newport…
by Meg_Sprout | 06/11/2019 at 5:31pm
Consent: How Do People Get It So Wrong?
**Disclaimer** Due to the nature of the subject some of the content in this article may not be suitable for some of our younger readers. Someone either consents to something,…
by Meg_Sprout | 29/06/1921 at 10:45pm
Tips For Better Sleep
We’ve all had that feeling of needing to get a good night’s sleep, only to spend half the night awake wondering why we aren’t asleep! It’s a vicious cycle, and one…
by Meg_Sprout | 29/06/1920 at 11:02pm
P is for Periods and Puberty!
Starting your periods can be an awkward and confusing time. Your body is changing and this can feel overwhelming but we’re here to help with some information and useful resources…
by Meg_Sprout | 29/06/1920 at 11:00pm
Aunty Sprout: Burdening People With My Depression and Anxiety
Seren has had support from those around her to deal with her depression and anxiety, but feels that people will soon get fed up of her problems and is looking…
by Meg_Sprout | 29/06/1920 at 10:52pm

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