Do I Need a Face Mask?

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There’s been a lot in the news recently about making and wearing Covid-19 face masks.

While Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England have all encouraged masks to be worn, the First Minister hasn’t made the same decision in Wales.

It’s really easy to find instructions to make them, but should we wear them? Where’s the harm in it?

What’s the official guidance?

  • Official World Health Organization (WHO) guidance is that only people who have the virus or its symptoms and their carers need to wear face masks
  • Medical masks should be kept for medical workers only, the WHO adds
  • WHO special envoy David Nabarro believes that in society “some form of facial protection is going to become the norm”
  • The UK government is currently following the advice saying masks are necessary in some areas of England
  • European advisers do not recommend reusable cloth masks, as they say they may even increase the chance of infection

Source: BBC News

What does this actually mean?

Here’s a table with some of the positives and negatives about masks:

…and that’s what the UK Government is investigating at the moment. So far, the Coronavirus law in Wales is slightly different — so it could be that we start seeing more masks out and about.

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