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Apps That Could Help With Your Mental Wellbeing
Could spending time on your phone help you with your mental health and wellbeing? Out with the old and in with the new! We are often told that our phones…
by halynasadventures | 29/02/2024 at 9:00am
Harm-reduction at British Festivals
How can we lower the risk associated with party culture? This article discusses mature themes and is not suitable for readers under 16. Festivals are places of relaxation, neon-lit fields…
by francescaionescu | 10/07/2023 at 9:00am
Knife Crime: Things I Need to Know
Cardiff is usually a very safe city. However, it’s still important to raise awareness of knife crime for our own knowledge and safety. Know the law around knife crime It’s…
by sproutadminer | 03/11/2022 at 5:30am
Mindfulness Meditation: A Natural Way To Put A Stop To Panic Attacks
This article was originally published by Lucy Winston in January 2020. TheSprout are reposting it for Stress Awareness Month 2021. Among the many natural remedies for anxiety, one stands out:…
by Sprout Editor | 13/04/2021 at 8:00am
World Autism Awareness Week
World Autism Awareness Week is an opportunity to celebrate Autism as well as encouraging awareness and education. What is autism? Autism is a lifelong disability which affects how people interact…
by sproutadminer | 29/03/2021 at 7:00am
Anti-Bullying Week 2020
What is anti-bullying week? Anti-Bullying Week 2020 will take place from Monday 16th November – Friday 20th November 2020 and is coordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The theme this year is…
by sproutadminer | 14/11/2020 at 9:00am
Self Defence Online: Top Tips
The online world is as much filled with positivity as it is with negativity. But who wants negativity? NOBODY. By following these tips you’ll be protecting yourself from danger and…
by caitlinruby | 11/02/2020 at 12:33am
Anti-Bullying: 5 Links that Could Save a Life
We’d be prepared to bet 1 million* sprouts that everyone knows somebody who has been affected by bullying at some point in their lives. Human beings can be lovely to…
by Meg_Sprout | 11/11/2019 at 2:39pm
Don’t Feed The Trolls: How To Cope With Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is a growing problem in Wales. In recent years, there were 6,169 of reported cases of cyberbullying, trolling, and online harassment in Gwent, North Wales and South Wales. Communications…
by sproutadminer | 12/10/2019 at 2:08pm
I’m Concerned About A Friend On Facebook
“My friend has been posting some worrying stuff on Facebook. They keep talking about self-harm and suicide and I’m worried they might hurt themself. What can I do?” It’s great…
by | 10/10/2019 at 3:16pm
Hate Crime
Hate Crime is one of the most under-reported crimes in the UK. But victims who experience hate crime can have major psychological and emotional impacts. As we are increasingly and…
by Nirushan Sudarsan | 23/07/2019 at 1:29pm
YMCA win Youth Excellence Award for Child Sexual Exploitation video
YMCA Cardiff have won a Youth Excellence Award for the good work of their Child Sexual Exploitation Steering Group, including an animated video produced by ProMo-Cymru (which also publishes TheSprout)….
by Sprout Editor | 19/07/2019 at 12:41pm
Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival – Report + Film Reviews Part 2
Welcome to my (belated) second report on the various films I saw while at the Iris Prize Film Festival 2018. See below for films which discuss the hopefulness of the…
by edwardlee | 26/10/2018 at 3:40pm
Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival – Report + Film Reviews Part 1
Having run from Tuesday 9th-Sunday 14th October, the Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival has come and gone once again from Cardiff, leaving behind it a trail of great films, complimentary…
by edwardlee | 15/10/2018 at 4:53pm
Spotlight: Sarah McCreadie
I have recently started a new series on my Radio Platfform show, Meaningless Culture Drop, called Spotlight. The purpose of this series is to interview many of the new artists…
by dan45ist | 08/05/2018 at 9:46am
Aunty Sprout: Toxic Friendship
Hi Aunty Sprout, I wanted to get some advice because I think that I need to cut myself off from this ‘friend’. I’ve known her since primary school and she’s…
by Aunty Sprout | 09/08/2017 at 8:00am
Take a Break: Calming Sites
Everyone needs to take a break. Whatever’s going on in your life, taking a few minutes to relax is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Below are…
by | 08/06/2017 at 1:45pm
#MHAW17 – Aunty Sprout: How Do I Help My Self-Harming Friend?
I suffer with mental health issues. However, when a friend starts messaging me about how they wanna hurt/kill themselves, I always feel I’m saying the wrong things. I know the…
by Sprout Editor | 10/05/2017 at 12:00pm
Aunty Sprout: My Friend is Bullying Me
Dear Aunty Sprout, There is a girl who one minute claims to be…
by Sprout Editor | 15/11/2016 at 10:08am
How To Make Sure You Don’t Misgender Someone!
Hello TheSprout readers! I’m a new writer to TheSprout. My pronouns are she/her. I will probably do a lot of LGBT+ posts, and often the occasional chapter of a book…
by inevitablyhere | 03/11/2016 at 10:50am

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