#YourShout: #BullyingMakethechange | #AB2016

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From TheSprout: Your (anonymous) bullying views/experiences will be used as part of a major Wales-wide anti-bullying campaign! Below is a big opportunity to have #YourShout!


Thank you for supporting Anti-Bullying Week 2016!

There are two surveys you can take part in:

If you want to talk about your bullying views/experiences in school/college, please click here for English / Welsh.


If you want to talk about your bullying views/experiences in a club you go to outside of school hours, for example; youth club, after school club, scouts, guides, sports please, click here for English / Welsh.

More information:

The questions have been set by young people of the Young Wales Anti-Bullying Network –questions that they feel are important to ask directly to young people aged 11 years plus!

Please share with your friends in school, college and any clubs you attend so that we are able to collect as many views as possible.

We also need schools, colleges and clubs to help us with this by raising awareness of the survey with young people they work with – help us make this campaign a success!

From TheSprout: Tell yo’ schools, colleges and clubs! 

Closing date: 12th December 2017

All that you tell us is confidential. No personal information is asked for or kept.

We say #sayno #bullyingmustgo

We want to #BullyingMaketheChange

[Related: All our #AB2016 articles are here]

Next steps for Young Wales Anti-Bullying Network:

There will be an exciting opportunity available to schools, colleges and clubs to take part in research early next year – we will be able to provide detailed responses tailored to your setting.

To register your interest in this exciting opportunity, please contact sarah.thomas@childreninwales.org.uk.

Article by Young Wales, original posted on their website here (English) and here (Welsh).

TheSprout’s note: This November, share your advice, experiences, news, creative writing… whatever… about anti-bullying and we will give you Time Credits to spend in Cardiff! Submit here

If you would like to talk to anyone about bullying or other things, please contact Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for 0-25s in Wales. You can contact Meic by phone (080880 23456), text (84001), instant message (www.meic.cymru) or email (help@meic.cymru) between 8am and midnight.

Related Articles & Info:

All #AB2016 articles



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