Wonderfest is Platfform‘s annual festival aiming to support the wellbeing of young people aged 13+.
What is Wonderfest?
Wonderfest is a festival is all about how to support wellbeing of young people aged 13+. It’s split into 3 sections: young people, parents, and professionals. We’ll be looking at the info that’s relevant to you as young people.

When is Wonderfest?
This year, the festival is held on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of July 2022.
On Saturday 16th, the festival will be an online wellbeing day for young people and parents/carers.
There will also be a pop-up festival at the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea from 11am – 4pm.
Tickets for young people and their families are FREE!

Booking tickets
Over the weekend, there will be various workshops going on at different times. You don’t need a ticket for each activity but will need one for each day you’d like to attend. Check the Wonderfest website for up-to-date schedule information.
- Register for your FREE ticket to the online workshops on Saturday 16th of July.
- Book your FREE ticket for the Swansea Pop Up Wonderfest Festival 2022 on Sunday 17th of July.
Related Information
This festival is organised by Platfform – a registered charity that has been working in mental health for over 30 years.
Get more info on supporting your emotional wellbeing and mental health.