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LGBTQ Representation in the Media
Representation: What is it and why is it so important? Representation can take many different forms in media. It can take place through culture, race, identity, sexuality, gender and many…
by Lily-Rose Chapman | 23/05/2024 at 12:00pm
Six of the Best Welsh Film Locations
With Wales’ stunning landscapes and thriving TV and Film industry, it’s no wonder Welsh landscapes are high in demand. If you live in Cardiff you may have walked by a…
by katherinewheeler | 25/04/2023 at 8:00am
Married at First Sight Sight- A Moral Dilemma?
This article was written by a young person as part of our #YouDeserve: Healthy Relationships Campaign. To find out more about the campaign click here. Married at First Sight- A…
by caitlindelaney | 17/03/2021 at 9:00am
Why The Sprout is not just FOR You, it’s BY You.
When I’m out and about these days, I usually introduce myself to people by way of my work. I tell them that I help to run a news and information…
by Tom M | 19/02/2019 at 11:16am
Immigrants are human too!!
Let’s talk immigration, I mean people are probably sick and tired of hearing the same topic being talked over and over again on the TV news, papers and social media…
by Nirushan Sudarsan | 18/12/2018 at 4:36pm
The search is on: you could be the Face of SkillsCymru
The hunt for aspiring TV presenters, radio DJs or YouTubers is on, as young people across Wales are encouraged to apply to be the “face” of SkillsCymru 2018. SkillsCymru is…
by Sprout Editor | 07/08/2018 at 10:36am
Join us for #BOLFundraising36
On Tuesday 18th July and Wednesday 19th July 2017, students and staff at The Bishop of Llandaff Church-In-Wales High School will join forces to put on the biggest fundraising event…
by brew_nette | 18/07/2017 at 9:04am
British Right-Wing Media: An Epidemic of Propaganda
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s and not necessarily those of TheSprout. We are a platform for young people in Cardiff to share their views, news,…
by delianna | 07/06/2017 at 1:56pm
Review: Shextreme Film Festival @ Arnolfini, Bristol
It can be difficult to make waves in extreme sports when you’re a woman. In a traditionally male-dominated arena female athletes are, more often than not, objectified and pushed to…
by dayanapromo | 25/10/2016 at 7:14pm
Channel 4: Looking 4Talent
C4 Pop Up is a series of networking events for young people between the ages of 16-25 who are passionate about the media industry. Each year, 4Talent organises five Pop…
by | 23/08/2016 at 4:00pm
Meic Casting Call: Ever Wanted To Be On Camera?
Fancy getting involved in some filming this summer? Meic has some amazing opportunities for you to try out… Casting Call – Young Actors/Actresses Meic NEED (playing age): Male aged 11-12 years…
by Sprout Editor | 19/07/2016 at 3:13pm

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