Join us for #BOLFundraising36

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On Tuesday 18th July and Wednesday 19th July 2017, students and staff at The Bishop of Llandaff Church-In-Wales High School will join forces to put on the biggest fundraising event in the school’s history. As well as broadcasting live for 36 hours on the school radio station, staff and students will be taking part in competitions and sponsored fundraising activities.

The event is primarily raising funds for three charities which work with children and young people who have a hidden difficulty, such as a continence problem, struggling to be accepted because of their sexuality or gender, and having difficulty with their mental health. The three main charities are ERIC, Mind and Stonewall Cymru.

ERIC is the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity, helping one in twelve children and young people in the UK who suffer from bladder or bowel problems.

Mind is the mental health charity, providing advice and support to the one in four of us who will experience a mental health problem every year.

Stonewall Cymru’s mission is to achieve legal equality and social justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in Wales because nearly half of LGBT pupils (45%) – including 64% of transgender pupils – are bullied simply for being part of that community in Britain’s schools.

More information about these charities as well as a full list of causes and charities which we will be raising money for can be found at

We aim to actively involve around 800 students and staff but according to event manager, SeB, he “enjoys a good challenge. Setting up the school’s radio station in September was a challenge, but it’s been so much fun and opened quite a few doors for quite a few people who volunteer on the team.”

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Let’s get fundraising and aim to raise as much money as possible for these worthwhile causes!


Preview: Healthy Mind at Gwdihw

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