Posts by: katherinewheeler
The Best Study Soundtrack (Proven With Science)
Like it or not, exam season is just round the corner. Whether you’re taking your GCSEs or hurtling towards the final month of university, you will need to get started…
by katherinewheeler | 08/04/2024 at 8:00am
Top 5 Apps You Need as a Student
The best apps to live better on a budget. Making your student loan stretch to the end of the term is no easy task, especially since loans haven’t yet risen…
by katherinewheeler | 09/09/2023 at 10:52am
How To Keep Your Hearing Tinnitus Free
An invisible sound playing in your ears for the rest of your life… A high squealing noise or a low grumbling grating sound. Playing as a soundtrack over everything else…
by katherinewheeler | 09/05/2023 at 11:20am
Television in Wales: A Quick Tour Through Time
Happy 100th birthday BBC! The Beginning BBC broadcasting started in Wales in 1923, with the construction of a Cardiff station. The year after, a second station opened in Swansea. Early…
by katherinewheeler | 02/05/2023 at 8:00am
How To Make Your CV Media Ready
Desperate for a career in TV/Film but don’t know how to get it? As someone who is currently one month away from finishing university, I’ve become reluctantly but inevitably overfamiliar…
by katherinewheeler | 28/04/2023 at 8:00am
Six of the Best Welsh Film Locations
With Wales’ stunning landscapes and thriving TV and Film industry, it’s no wonder Welsh landscapes are high in demand. If you live in Cardiff you may have walked by a…
by katherinewheeler | 25/04/2023 at 8:00am
How To Make Your Summer an Adventure
Planning to do something adventurous with your summer? Here are four of the most popular summer adventures reviewed. It can be a chore trying to cut through the advertising you…
by katherinewheeler | 21/03/2023 at 11:47am
Repair Café Revolution and Your Right to Repair
Need something repairing but don’t want to spend your spare cash? You might want to reconsider going to a high street repair shop and instead turn to your local community…
by katherinewheeler | 06/03/2023 at 7:40pm
Your New Sustainable Crochet Wardrobe
During lockdown, the pull to learn new hobbies meant that crochet gained a crop of new devotees, eager to learn how to create their own new wardrobes. You might be…
by katherinewheeler | 06/03/2023 at 7:45am
Panic Attacks: Having Them and Overcoming Them (Katherine’s Story)
Hi! I’m Katherine, I’m 21 and for seven years, I’ve lived with health anxiety and panic attacks. I hope my story can give you hope that there are others out…
by katherinewheeler | 21/02/2023 at 8:00am
Not “Fitting In” at University
University. Finding friends for life, finding yourself, discovering life on your own terms and making your own decisions. Not fitting in Somebody might have told you this before you came…
by katherinewheeler | 12/02/2023 at 10:00am
Understanding the Strikes: What’s Going On?
In the past few months you’ve probably seen a lot of people with placards, whether that’s on the TV or in the newspaper. You might have even seen or joined…
by katherinewheeler | 03/02/2023 at 1:47pm

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