As part of the Frisky Not Risky campaign, we spoke to Oscar (16), Fatimah (15), Troy (17) and Vishal (18) about their thoughts on sexual health and relationships. We also asked about their experience accessing support from the SHOT: Healthy Relationship Service.
Oscar, 16
Before talking to SHOT, I’d get information about sex and relationships from other young people or my teachers. I’d also use websites and Google to help me look for info, but things can go wrong if the info is wrong.
We need to talk about sex and relationships because it’s good to speak before you do something so you know what to do.
Talking to SHOT has helped me to think before I act, which will help me in the future.
Learning about contraception has been really interesting and helpful.

Fatimah, 15
Before meeting my SHOT worker, I had no idea how to keep safe. I’ve enjoyed knowing that there is help out there for people my age. We have spoken about relationships, keeping safe, and risky behaviour. If I didn’t know this, I might be pregnant by now.
Talking to my SHOT worker helps to get things off my chest and helps with my mental health.

Troy, 17
I used to get information from my mum about sex and relationships, but it’s been helpful to talk to someone at SHOT about relationships and sexual health. It’s helped me stop worrying.
We’ve talked about relationships, peer pressure, keeping safe, consent, risky behaviour, and online safety, which I particularly enjoyed learning about.
Young people need to talk about relationships and sexual health to understand things.

Vishal, 18
I’ve tended to learn about sex and relationships from my brothers or through my relationships.
Some people may find it useful to talk to people at SHOT because they don’t know much about sex.

Related Information
Want more from the Frisky Not Risky campaign? Visit the campaign introduction.
Check out TheSprout’s Sexual Health information page, where you can find loads of helpful info on local and national sexual health information and support services.
If you’re sharing our posts from the Frisky Not Risky campaign on social media, remember to use the #FriskyNotRisky hashtag and tag us.