Sexual Health
Are you confused about anything to do with your sexual health? Worried about STIs or clueless about contraception? Need more info about going through puberty?
Take a look at our list of websites and organisations that can help.
National Services
C-Card Scheme – Handing out free condoms for young people aged 13 – 25.
Terrence Higgins Trust – The Terrence Higgins Trust is a HIV and sexual health charity supporting people living with the virus. Helpline: 0808 802 1221 or
Brook – Sexual Health and wellbeing for under 25’s. Their help and advice section has loads of information about sex, contraception, STI’s, relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, gender, health and wellbeing, abuse and violence, staying safe online and your body.
Frisky Wales – A Public Health Wales project offering sexual health advice and testing information for STIs. Information on infections, protection, contraception, risk and finding local sexual health clinics. Includes a Digital Sexual Health Tool – answer a few simple questions to assess your risks and find out next steps.
Test and Post – A home testing kit from Frisky Wales to test for STIs in the comfort of your own home. This pilot project will send a test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea and/or HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in the post. Follow the instructions and then post back to get results. There are instructional videos for each test on the website.
Sexwise – A website created by the FPA giving young people honest advice about contraception, pregnancy, STI’s and pleasure. They also have some great videos (the Pufferfish Talk Condoms one is included below) created by young animators of different animals busting myths about sexual health and contraception. Watch them here.
NHS Direct Wales – Sexual Health Clinics – Information about sexual health clinics and what they deal with. You can also search sexual health clinics to find one in your area
NHS Direct Wales – Sexual Health pages – Information about contraception, STI’s, Abortion and Pregnancy.
NHS Direct – Sexual Health – Sex facts, advice and support, genital health and STI’s. Information and advice.
The Mix – Support for under 25’s. Their sex and relationships section has loads of expert advice and true stories, with nothing being off-limits.
BBC Advice – Sex and Relationships – Helping you get through life. Loads of information from Age of Consent through to Virginity. The BBC Advice fact files are based on advice from medical professionals, government bodies, charities and other relevant groups.
Childline – Puberty – Lots of information about what to expect during puberty including looking specifically at puberty for girls and puberty for boys.
NHS Direct – Stages of Puberty – What are the signs to look out for in puberty? How do you cope with the mood changes that come with it? NHS Direct has loads of information about it.
Meic – If you need more information about sexual health issues and services that can help contact the Meic helpline. Meic is an advocacy, advice and information helpline for children and young people in Wales. Call free on 080880 23456, text 84001 or Instant Message.
Useful Apps
My Sex Doctor – All the things you want to know about sex in the palm of your hand.
myPill – Set a reminder, take notes and track symptoms. A planner reminds you when you need a new pack, call the doctor etc.
Blogs and Guides
What’s all this talk about Consent? – Meic
What it’s like to take a home STI test – Sexwise
5 sexual health fears (and why you shouldn’t be scared) – Sexwise
Is sexting illegal? – The Mix
Aunty Sprout – I’ve never had sex – TheSprout
Frisky Not Risky– TheSprout

Funding Partners