Listen: Festival Of Voice – Radio Platfform Podcast Fri 3rd June 2016

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What is Radio Platfform?

Radio Platfform is a pop-up radio station that broadcasted daily shows at 3-5pm as a part of the Festival of Voice in Wales Millennium Centre (WMC). All the shows were created by young people – trained volunteers from theSprout, Valleys Kids, and Grassroots – who wrote the scripts and led the shows throughout the festival week.

Featured in the shows are: previews and reviews of the Festival of Voice events, arts and music discussions, interviews with the stars and people of Cardiff, and much more.

In case you’ve missed the Radio Platfform broadcasts on the WMC website, theSprout will provide you with the audio recordings of the shows.

Dan Patlansky, The Last Mermaid, guitar playing styles, Ed Sheeran

[Related: Interview: Festival of Voice – Charlotte Church, Co-Creator Of The Last Mermaid | VIDEO]

Tune in now for the first Radio Platfform show with young people from Valleys Kids!

Hosts: H, Douze, Marc and Kurt, Jessie (desk and sound).

Featured topics: Dan Patlansky’s show for the Festival of Voice; The Last Mermaid – preview; hosts talking about guitar playing styles, Ed Sheeran, and many more.

Festival of Voice’s website
Festival of Voice’s Facebook
Festival of Voice’s Instagram


See all FOV reviews on theSprout here.

Preview: Festival of Voice – Cardiff’s Newest International Festival

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*Want to become a reviewer? Join the Sprout Editorial Group on Facebook or email

The next Sprout Editorial Group meeting is Thursday 28th July 2016 in Cardiff Central Library.

Image credit: wikimedia cc

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