Interested in a month-long programme aimed at tackling injustices related to the environment and the climate crisis? This one’s for you!
What is Peace First?
Peace First are an organization co-led by young people that supports young people ages 13-25 to create a more compassionate, just and peaceful world.

What is the Climate Youth Social Justice Camp?
The Climate Justice Camp is a month-long programme comprised of four sessions focussing on the climate crisis and the environment. Over these four sessions, there will be opportunities to get training on project creation and design, learn more about Climate Social Justice, and work within a community of like minded young people from across Europe.
The camp is created, facilitated, and led by young people from Peace First’s UK and Europe ambassadors programme.

What happens in the sessions?
Topics covered in the sessions include:
- Introduction to Social Justice relating to the environment – 6th July
- Action Activism – 8th July
- Food sovereignty – 13th July
- Storytelling for the climate – 15th July
For more information about these sessions, click here:
When is it?
The camp will be hosted across four sessions, starting on July 6th 2021 and ending on July 15th 2021.
What’s in it for me?
Attendance of the camp will help you clue up on the climate crisis and will help you to make a positive change in your community, and even globally!
As well as meeting other individuals as passionate about the environment as you, there may even be a grant up for grabs! Peace First will provide young leaders with the opportunity to receive $250 (approx. £180) to carry out a project upon completion of the camp workshops. If you’re interested, you’ll be guided by Peace First on how to complete the grant application.

How can I sign up?
If you’re interested in signing up to the camp, click here to fill out the form.
Related Information
If you’d like more info on the environment, click here to see TheSprout’s environment info page.