YourShout: Share your views on your Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Services

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Did you know?

  • Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and the two are closely linked
  • We all have times when we feel down, anxious or stressed. There are active steps we can take to look after ourselves if this happens
  • Talking about how we feel, taking time for ourselves, and keeping in contact with others are all part of looking after our wellbeing
  • Eating well and being active can benefit our mental and physical wellbeing
  • Alcohol , cigarettes or other drugs don’t deal with the causes of difficult feelings, and can make problems worse rather than better

What do you think about Children’s and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services?

How do you access them?

The Commissioners at the University Health Board are reviewing the pathways into young people’s services.

They want your views – Here’s the survey, complete and return via email to Dianne Assiratti. 

If you would like to talk to anyone about mental health, please contact Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for 0-25s in Wales. You can contact Meic by phone (080880 23456), text (84001), instant message ( or email ( between 8am and midnight.


Stigma Is Stopping Young People In Wales From Talking About Mental Health

Mental Health

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