#YouthHomelessness: Poem: Spare Some Change

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The cold is biting hard tonight
My feet blister on blister
Huddled below the dim street light
“Spare a little, Mr?”

Concrete cold seeps through my skin
Cardboard bed and sleeping bag
Shoes are worn and socks are thin
“Hey there lady, spare a fag?”

Breath: a cloud against the night
Fingers burning, stiff and strange
I watch their faces, shock and fright
“Hello Mrs, spare some change?”

I was a son with friends and a life
I was a husband… a dad of three
I was a man who lost his wife
“Spare enough for a cup of tea?”

No time, no days, no months or years
No home, no job, no rights
No one sees my bitter tears
Just endless days and sleepless nights.


Poem originally published by SleepStreetCrew on 19/02/16. Republished as part of our Homelessness Series for December 2016.

You can find out more information, as well as statistics on homelessness, by checking out their rather impressive website

Sub-editor’s note: This December, share your advice, experiences, news, creative writing… whatever… about homelessness and TheSprout will give you Time Credits to spend in Cardiff! Submit here

If you would like to talk to anyone about homelessness or other things, please contact Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for 0-25’s in Wales. You can contact Meic by phone (080880 23456), text (84001), instant message (www.meic.cymru) or email (help@meic.cymru) between 8am and midnight.



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