World Mental Health Day

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A common issue surrounding mental health is that people are reluctant to talk about it. People aren’t afraid to talk about their broken leg, or how they can’t come out today because they’ve got a cold — but when it comes to mental health problems they’re more likely to keep it secret or try and ignore it. But taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and you can’t fix a problem by ignoring it. That’s why World Mental Health Day is so important.

We’ve had a lot of articles about mental health over the years. (In fact, we’re proud to say that mental health isn’t a taboo subject at theSprout: just look at how many articles are in our Mental Health category — with even more in the Sprout Archive!)

We couldn’t possibly list them all, but here are some of our favourites. Read one you think belongs on the list? Let us know in the comments below.

Your Experiences

Young people from Cardiff sharing their personal experiences with mental health issues.

A New Leaf

#MHAW17 – Time To Talk?

#MyStory: Depression – Counselling Session 1

One In Five Of Us Feel Anxious A Lot Or All Of The Time

#MyStory: Road To Recovery

Helping Friends

Learning how to be a supportive friend.

I’m Concerned About A Friend On Facebook

#MHAW17 – Aunty Sprout: How Do I Help My Self-Harming Friend?

Aunty Sprout has covered many mental health topics over the years. You can see the original archive here.

You can anonymously submit a problem to Aunty Sprout here.

Get Better

Feeling low? These tips might help.

How to Recharge Yourself

5 Working Techniques to Fight Seasonal Depression

Take a Break: Calming Sites


Free services you can access to get support.

Mental Health

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Funding Partners

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