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Ready, Steady, Cook – Summer of Smiles
Cooking has always been one of those things that I enjoy, but I am probably not as good as I think I am. So, I was pleased that Cardiff’s answer…
by yellowperil | 26/07/2021 at 9:00am
Tailwhips, Wheelies, and Backflips!
The Summer of Smiles is a summer-long festival held for young people across the city. Our resident journalist, Tomos, is reporting from the main festival site as it goes on….
by yellowperil | 22/07/2021 at 9:00am
Lanterns, hula hoops and… poi?
Plenty is happening on the first day of this year’s Summer of Smiles festival outside City Hall, in Cardiff. What’s on offer? I had a long walk around the festival and saw…
by yellowperil | 20/07/2021 at 4:00pm
Free and Cheap Things to do in Cardiff: 7-14 November
How low can you go? Can you go down low? Can you bring it to the top? Can you never ever stop? These are not only the lyrics of the …
by Tom M | 07/11/2018 at 4:06pm
Free and Cheap Things To Do In Cardiff: 2-8 August
This week, there’s one particular big event that’s entirely free: the National Eisteddfod, right here in Cardiff Bay, for the first time in a decade. If the Eisteddfod’s not quite…
by Sprout Editor | 02/08/2018 at 12:00pm
Free And Cheap Things To Do In Cardiff: 20-27 July 2018
For many young people in Cardiff this is the last week of school. Which means next week has to get filled with everything you dreamed of doing whilst you were…
by Sprout Editor | 19/07/2018 at 10:00am
Free And Cheap Things To Do In Cardiff : 12-19 July 2018
It’s set to be another sunny weekend in Cardiff, though we might finally get some rain next week. Time to get out and enjoy ourselves! Once again, the Sprout is…
by Sprout Editor | 12/07/2018 at 2:53pm
The Cirque Berserk is coming to Cardiff and here’s what we can expect
Crazy-talented performance troupe the Cirque Berserk are arriving in Cardiff this week and they tell us to expect a “Berserkus, not a circus”. A Cirque Berserk show is definitely not…
by Sprout Editor | 09/07/2018 at 11:25am
“Quiet Hands” – Third Winterlight Productions Play about Autism and ‘mate crime’ – Video Interviews
DJFMITV continues its series ‘Autism in Popular Culture’ to talk to Tim Rhys, the producer and Josh Manfield, the lead actor, from Winterlight Productions of “Quiet Hands (a sequel to…
by DJFMITV | 13/09/2017 at 9:10am
What’s On In Cardiff For & By Young People: August Week #3
We’ve put together some of the best – and some of the slightly less heard of – events for and by young people that are happening over the next week in…
by Sprout Editor | 11/08/2016 at 4:45pm
What’s On In Cardiff For & By Young People: August Week #2
We’ve put together some of the best – and some of the slightly less heard of – events for and by young people that are happening over the next week in…
by Sprout Editor | 05/08/2016 at 3:43pm
Review: Little Wander Comedy Festival – Lloyd Langford: Rascal @ Chapter
Rascal | Lloyd Langford | Little Wander Comedy Festival | Chapter Arts Centre | 13th July 2016 It must be said that “Rascal” is a well-picked title for this show. As a…
by TheTallulahReview | 18/07/2016 at 2:37pm

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