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2023 Recruitment Callout: National Youth Theatre of Wales
The National Youth Theatre of Wales is looking for talented performers to join their national ensembles in 2023! What is the National Youth Theatre of Wales? National Youth Theatre of…
by sproutadminer | 01/01/2023 at 8:00am
Life Hack 2021
Life Hack returns in 2021 in a FREE digital format, offering exciting workshops with industry professionals from the creative industries. When is Life Hack 2021? The Wales Millennium Centre is…
by sproutadminer | 05/04/2021 at 8:00am
Welsh National Opera – Les vêpres siciliennes (The Sicilian Vespers) Wales Millennium Centre Saturday 8th February 2020 It was as far back as 1954 that WNO first took on this…
by Weeping Tudor | 10/02/2020 at 1:01pm
Review: Hedda Gabler @ Sherman
It was a mysterious trailer: a woman burning some flowers. What could it mean? However, we can now reveal all- within reason, of course. No spoilers here! Hedda Gabler is…
by Tom M | 25/10/2019 at 8:45am
A Guide to Cardiff for International Students
Are you an International Student arriving in Wales for the first time this September? Here’s Sprout editor Andrew’s quick guide to the city! Cardiff Bay Formerly known as Tiger Bay,…
by Sprout Editor | 23/09/2019 at 3:00pm
Review – Avenue Q: The Musical, New Theatre, Cardiff
Don’t be fooled by the wide eyes and cheeky grins of Avenue Q’s puppets. From the outset, its visual imitation of a scene from an innocent, colourful children’s programme –…
by fluorescentsoph | 18/06/2019 at 4:16pm

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