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Life Hack 2021
Life Hack returns in 2021 in a FREE digital format, offering exciting workshops with industry professionals from the creative industries. When is Life Hack 2021? The Wales Millennium Centre is…
by sproutadminer | 05/04/2021 at 8:00am
Numb: A Poem About Domestic Violence
This article was written by a young person as part of our #YouDeserve: Healthy Relationships Campaign. To find out more about the campaign click here. This poem was written for…
by halynasadventures | 18/03/2021 at 9:00am
Eggshells: A Poem
This article was written by a young person as part of our #YouDeserve: Healthy Relationships Campaign. To find out more about the campaign click here. Eggshells By Caitlin Delaney I…
by caitlindelaney | 12/03/2021 at 9:00am
LGBT+ Rant In Verse
Author’s Note: Hello. Seeing as it is LGBT History Month, I thought I should, as a regular Sprouter, support the LGBT community. This is what I came up with. Warning: it’s…
by samuelpatterson | 21/02/2021 at 9:00am
Spotlight: Sarah McCreadie
I have recently started a new series on my Radio Platfform show, Meaningless Culture Drop, called Spotlight. The purpose of this series is to interview many of the new artists…
by dan45ist | 08/05/2018 at 9:46am
Spring in Nant-y-Moel: A Poem for The Sprout
Spring in Nant-y-Moel Sitting in the back garden, washing on the line Watching all the hang-gliders curling through the sky Little Staffy piglet sitting by my side Everybody knows she…
by dan45ist | 26/04/2018 at 2:34pm
Review: Digital Chamber Opera – The World’s Wife @ WMC
Digital Chamber Opera – The World’s Wife Western Studio, Wales Millennium Centre Sunday 15th October 2017 Carol Ann Duffy is the undisputed poet of the people. School children and students…
by Weeping Tudor | 18/10/2017 at 9:30am
The Buddhists on bicycles set out, With eyes of glass and robes of fire, Past gleaming skyscrapers and leaning shanty towns; They travel to the sea to wash their hands….
by ap99 | 12/07/2017 at 9:36am
#AB2016: Poem: I Admire You…
You never questioned why it might be you, who they teased and tortured each day. You always ignored it, you were never blue, refused to hide and run away. I…
by zippedlips | 18/11/2016 at 11:00am
Poem: Tommy’s Place | #AB2016
“I wish I could do that” Tommy said out loud, staring at the eagle, watching it soar. Tommy watched in amazement, engrossed in this predator, longing not to be weak,…
by Sprout Sub-Editor | 08/11/2016 at 10:25am
Book Review: Wicked Words
Wicked Words | Publisher: Wales Millennium Centre | Price: £2.95 | Genre: Poetry Article by Togira_Ikonoka Author’s note: I found this book personally a very hard read and I was in tears quite a lot,…
by Sprout Editor | 29/07/2016 at 11:25am

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