Habitat Exhibition by Women’s Arts Association

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The WAA (Women’s Arts Association) celebrates the art of all women and those who identify as women. It is a non discriminative team of female artists who organise exhibitions and art classes.

This association is perfect for art students who want to earn extra points or for those who are simply interested in getting involved with the art scene in Cardiff. You are welcome to join with as little or a lot of artistic knowledge.

If this sounds like something you would be interested please attend the exhibition on the opening night which is Friday 29th September 2019. There will be refreshments including wine and nibbles. Men are also welcome to the free exhibition in Llanover Hall Arts Centre Cardiff.

The age is 18+ to become a member. This membership entitles you to exhibit your work at a small  £5 entry fee to exhibit.

If you would like to become an associate member it is £10 annual membership to exhibit work, attend committee meetings and no entry fee for exhibiting. There are usually 4 exhibitions a year (sometimes more). The associate membership could save you £10 +. You would also have more involvement in curation.

My story

I became a member 5 years ago when I was 18 as an A-level art student. I exhibited my work for 2 years with the association which was great to earn extra credits as an Illustration (BA) student. I wrote articles for the E-newsletter on their website until deciding that I would like to take the next step to becoming an associate member. 3 years on I became vice-chair. I have recently stepped down from this position after 6 months in order to gain more management experience and skills in order to fulfil the role in the future. I am very grateful for the opportunity. In the future I plan to apply for Magazine Journalism (MA) at Cardiff University. WAA gave me the confidence to write and opened up the possibility of journalism as it seemed so far out of my grasp before writing for their newsletter. It was also amazing to see my work in a gallery space.

See you on Friday 29th September 2019 for the Habitat exhibition at Llanover Hall Arts Centre!


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by | 30/10/2020 at 6:01pm

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