#NoMorPlastic: Plastic Activists Trash National Museum

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Plastic pollution is an epidemic. In just one night, the group Surfers Against Sewage collected enough plastic from one Welsh beach to cover the National Museum Cardiff’s sealife exhibit- so they did.

Surfers Against Sewage, or SAS, have been working with the Museum’s Youth Council, who contacted The Sprout to explain their plan. In a massively creative twist, the plastic has been strewn all over the fake beach that usually showcases the variety of bird life you can spot at Welsh beaches. Above the beach, the giant whale that always hangs from the ceiling is now heading towards a collection of floating debris- real whales end up swallowing loads of old junk, and now the museum’s pretend whale is going to suffer the same fate.

Elsewhere, the giant sea turtle, whose real skeletal remains lie next to a replica, is swallowing some netting. This mirrors what happened to the turtle in real life, as it died after swallowing netting. Further rubbish can be seen around the museum, such as this giant octopus which we featured on our Instagram feed.


The #NoMorPlastic exhibition is available to view until 5 August. So get on down to the museum before, much like our natural coastal beauty, it’s gone!

Click here for more #NoMorPlastic on the Sprout. Check out the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

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