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Enough of calling it climate change – this is a climate crisis!
Have you noticed the change in weather? Remember that September this year was scorching hot laden with sunburn, followed immediately by blustery October winds and rain so cold, it feels…
by halynasadventures | 29/10/2019 at 2:19pm
Free and Cheap Things to Do in Cardiff: 25-30 April- RawFfest edition
It’ll soon be back to school and back to uni, hope you enjoyed Easter while it lasted. But this weekend, you’ve got Judgement Day, RawFfest and a host of other…
by Sprout Editor | 25/04/2019 at 3:05pm
Free and Cheap Things to Do in Cardiff: Easter Weekend 2019, 18-24 April
It’s finally here, it’s the Easter Weekend. In my family, we have a rule that if the temperature hits 18°c, we all have to pack off to Tenby for the…
by Sprout Editor | 18/04/2019 at 10:32am

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