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Royal Composer’s First Requiem to Have Its Welsh Premiere
Requiem: The Souls Of The Righteous, the poignant piece by renowned royal composer and University of Aberdeen professor, Paul Mealor, will receive its Welsh premiere at St Augustine’s Church, Penarth…
by Sprout Editor | 11/11/2019 at 9:00am
“Boris would not be happy about this!”- the Cardiff Muslim women who are getting out on bikes
At the recent one-year anniversary of the NextBike Cardiff hire bike scheme, I spoke to Mymuna Solemen, founder of the Muslims on Bikes club. Muslim women face a number of…
by Tom M | 29/05/2019 at 4:17pm
Interview: Snowcat Cinema brings movie magic to Penarth pier
Snowcat Cinema are an events company that have been screening films inside the refurbished cinema at Penarth Pier Pavilion for the last two years or so. It’s a beautiful experience,…
by Tom M | 09/04/2019 at 10:41am
Free and Cheap Things To Do in Cardiff: 6-12 December
Not much longer now. I can smell that Christmas break already! Have you got your christmas shopping done yet? Judging by the crowds on my way home every day, a…
by Sprout Editor | 05/12/2018 at 3:37pm
5 Free Or Cheap Things To Do In Cardiff: 5-12 July 2018
With the weather as good as it is, we’re all raring to get out and mingle with our fellow Cardiffians. What better way to experience Cardiff’s glorious capital city energy…
by Sprout Editor | 05/07/2018 at 12:30pm
Cheap Things To Do In Cardiff This Summer: The Active/Outdoorsy Edition
Need something to do that will fill your time but won’t empty your wallet? Fancy yourself an intrepid explorer or an Olympian-in-waiting? Then we have the activities for you! [Related:…
by TheTallulahReview | 21/07/2016 at 11:32am

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