One By One…

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It was Halloween night. I was sat in the lounge with my friends, a scary movie playing in the background as we chatted excitedly about the evening. We were all dressed up in shiny, colourful and spooky outfits. We had been planning this for months and some of our outfits took just as long to make! I was just complimenting my friend on his excellent Frankenstein’s Monster outfit when there was sudden knocking on the front door.

Someone went and answered it and was greeted by a group of children dressed up in their Halloween outfits. A small werewolf was jumping up and down as he sang, “Trick or treeeeeat!”. As the children left and headed for the next house, a few of my friends left at the same time. The rest of us sat in the dimly-lit lounge as we discussed our plans for later in the evening. The film that was playing came to an end and someone decided to put on a record whilst we were talking. Kit and Terry were planning on playing a few tricks on some neighbours and everyone readily agreed to help.

Just as our plans were beginning to take shape, more children were at the door, holding their bags open expectantly. As the front door began to close, a couple more of my friends made their exit into the night. At this point, there were only a handful of us left, so we decided to go out as it was getting late.

I was about to make my move when the door was answered once more. This time, all but one of my friends left the party. That’s when Yorkie was picked up and had his head viciously ripped off! I gulped as I shrank back into the corner of the box I was in, knowing I was next.

Authors note: The film playing was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the song was I Want Candy. Scary how funny that is. I know.

Image credit: Author via pixlar express


All articles posted in: Creative Writing

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