Review: Wales’ First-Ever 4DX Cinema Screening – Jurassic World @ Cineworld Cardiff

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Wales’ 4DX Premiere | Cineworld Cardiff | Jurassic World | 15th September 2016

When I was offered tickets to the premier of Cineworld Cardiff’s brand new 4D cinema, I was ecstatic. They have quickly begun to take the world by storm, taking the immersive experience to a level not quite reached ever before.

4D cinemas feature motion-powered seats, wind and strobing effects, as well as scents and fog/rain. These sensor-activated seats are synchronous with the film itself, providing back and forth, up and down vibrating movements in tune with the scenes on screen.

In truth, it is an odd sensation: going to the cinema, you would expect to munch on popcorn for a good hour and a half. You cannot do that here, for obvious reasons. The spins and turns are often unexpected, with flying snacks being a possible hazard if you aren’t ready for it.

The movie they played was, on its own, worth the excitement. Jurassic World is the fourth instalment of the Jurassic Park series. Released in 2015, it is set 22 years after the events in Jurassic Park, on the same island as before, named Isla Nublar, home to the dinosaur theme park famous in popular culture. It’s a classic franchise revived with the one and only Chris Pratt, who has also appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Coupled together, the film and the experience of the 4D went hand-in-hand beautifully. Perfectly picked with moments of intense action and adventure, I am more than eager to attend the 4D again, and I recommend you all try it out, too.


You can find out more about 4DX and what’s on at Cineworld’s 4DX screen here.

Sub-Editor’s note: Want to review amazing opportunities like this? Join the Sprout Editorial Group on Facebook or email

Cover image credit: Direct comms with Cineworld. 

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