Our Minds Our Future: Call To Action

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Young people are demanding change in mental health support systems!

For #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek, we want to share Our Mind Our Future’s Call to Action which explains what changes young people in Wales demand with regard to their mental health.

What is Our Minds Our Future?

Our Minds Our Future is a project giving young people the opportunity to influence the way mental health services are designed and run across the UK.

In each of the four nations, young people are coming together to raise a collective voice for the kind of transformational change they want to see in the mental health system in their communities. The project is funded thanks to a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund.

The Call To Action

There have been increasing concerns about young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health and louder calls to improve how we are being helped and supported. No matter who we are or what we are going through, we need to be seen and respected as individuals with human rights. This means there can’t be a one-size-fits-all approach to looking after our emotional wellbeing and mental health.

The Call To Action document explains what changes young people in Wales demand. The Call To Action speaks to young people and adults alike because everyone has a part to play in making a difference in the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Where can I find out more?

The Our Minds Our Future website showcases the Call to Action document from young people in Wales, as well as similar documents from young people in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Check out the website to read about young people’s voices and their demands on improving emotional wellbeing and mental health support in Wales.

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