Would you like to influence research that affects young people? Consider joining ALPHA!
What is ALPHA?
Alpha stands for Advice Leading to Public Health Advancement. It is DECIPHer’s research advisory group of young people.
DECIPHer is a Research Centre based within Cardiff university. They focus their research on children and young people’s public health including topics such as smoking, obesity, and physical activity.
What kind of research studies will be looked at?
ALPHA have worked on research studies looking at:
- Underage drinking
- Drug prevention
- Mental Health & Well-being
- Sexual health
- Smoking
- Physical Activity & Exercise

What are the benefits?
There are lots of benefits to being involved in ALPHA. Some include:
- Have your say and influence research with young people
- Enhance your CV and Personal Statement
- Develop transferable life skills Experience of working in a research centre
What is the commitment like?
ALPHA meet once a month and advises researchers on the best approaches to conducting research with young people.

Who can get involved?
Anyone between the ages of 14 and 25 living in Wales can join the project. However, ALPHA is currently looking for more male participants to get involved.
How can I join ALPHA?
Contact Peter Gee for more information about ALPHA and more details about how you can get involved.
- Email: Geep@cardiff.ac.uk
- Phone: 02920 687 218
- Mobile: 07881 514 874