How To Revise For Exams

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Article by MorganSavoury . Originally published on March 20th 2013 at 12:51, republished today for the January exam series

Exams. We all have to do them at one point in our lives but are they really worth it? What are they even for?

Well firstly exams are set to test your knowledge on a certain subject and they prove how much you know about something.

Exams can be extremely nerve-racking in my opinion and I almost always get butterflies in my stomach before sitting one.

Are they worth it? Yes of course they are, as much as they’re a pain they are a key part of life. They also get you to realise which subjects you excel in and in a way point you in the right direction for the future. Some of you might prefer to do coursework and find that an easier way of getting the grades you want and deserve.

Here’s what I do to prepare myself for an exam: Always revise beforehand; you might think you know everything off by heart but I’m sure there is one thing that you don’t know that will pop up in the test. So it’s extremely important to revise.

If you don’t know how to revise here’s how:

  • Never ever leave revision until the last minute
  • Use flash cards
  • Record yourself and then listen to it over-and-over again
  • Write things out over-and-over again so it sinks in
  • Read over everything
  • Make mind maps
  • Try using PowerPoint presentations
  • Make a poster full of information
  • Do plenty of practices for that certain subject
  • No social networking (it’s a big distraction)
  • Make sure you have a break so that you don’t have an information overload
  • Go over everything before bed
  • Always eat breakfast on the morning of the exam (never go in with an a empty stomach)

I hope this was helpful and good luck for any future exams.

Are you for or against exams?

If you would like to talk to anyone about exam stress or other things, please contact Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for 0-25s in Wales. You can contact Meic by phone (080880 23456), text (84001), instant message ( or email ( between 8am and midnight.



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