How to make the Most of Lockdown in and Around Cardiff Responsibly

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With lockdown restrictions being eased in England it’s important to to remember that the rules in Wales are different, for now. With that considered, here are some of the things you are able to do in and around Cardiff under the current lockdown rules. Whilst pubs and restaurants my not be open yet like across the border, there are many things Cardiff has to offer you might not have considered prior to lockdown. So perhaps if you think of this all as an opportunity to broaden your horizons, albeit with many restrictions, you might ‘enjoy’ Coronavirus more.

Travel The Taff Trail

With the easing of lockdown rules on July 6th, you can technically travel wherever you like across Wales. This offers many exciting walking opportunities! While walking might not be at the top of your bucket list, remember, not too long ago we were only allowed outside once a day. So you should probably be more excited at the prospect of walking at least some of the 55 miles it snakes, following the course of the river Taff from Cardiff Bay to Brecon.


Whilst techincally eating is essential for sustaining human life and not purely recreational. Consuming food made in restaurants across Cardiff is not only fun, but also an important public service you can so generously perform right now. Cardiff is home to many large chain restaurants, but it also has many smaller local establishments.  In addition to offering a more unique experience, these establishments need your support more than ever now. I know that second one might not be much a selling point, but have some compassion! Whilst delivery fees on certian apps make eating at home more expensive than eating out, many places now allow you to pick up food or offer their own free or cheap delivery services! Alternatively some local restaurants even offer kits to make their food at home.

Visit a Park

Cardiff’s numerous parks are one of its great strengths. The recent heat wave, coupled with the easing of lockdown rules has made them very popular.  The large open spaces offer a scenic and arguably much safer alternative to the beer gardens that might have otherwise attracted many of those currently visiting parks. Despite their size, both Roath and Bute park have incredibly popular right now. So you should ensure you are keeping your distance from people.

Visit a Beach

Whilst in many ways a beach is a park with sand, it’s also potentially another place you could visit during lockdown. Although, many beaches have been overcrowded recently. So obviously don’t go if it isn’t sensible to do so.

Visit the Arcades

Whilst Cardiff’s narrow arcades may not be as well suited to social distancing as some of large outdoor shopping streets, many of the non essential businesses inside are now open with social distancing measures. You might want to visit, as its sometimes easy to forget about this well hidden but picturesque part of the city. This fact is especially worrying considering how many smaller local retailers it hosts.

Stay At Home

Whilst this admittedly short list of activities may sound more appealing than ever, please consider the following: the best way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to stay at home. So you probably shouldn’t spend every day crowding up narrow shop aisles and parks. More than ever, opportunities for entertainment and learning you might otherwise have neglected are available online. One example of our perseverance during these trying times is the record uptake of online Welsh lessons; although perhaps these numbers are bolstered by Waleophiles around the globe.

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