Confused About Covid Rules?

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With Covid-19 rules changing again you might be finding it hard to keep track of what you’re allowed or not allowed to do. We’ve put together a handy guide of the current rules for you so that you’re clear about what the Government regulations are.

Wear a mask

Wales now (from 14 September 2020) has the same rule as they have in other UK countries. Wearing a mask is compulsory for everybody over the age of 11 in all shops and indoor public areas except for pubs and restaurants. People who are not able to cover their nose and mouth for health or medical reasons don’t have to.

A facemask has to cover your mouth and your nose and if you’re using a fabric mask it needs to be three layers. Although it can be difficult when removing and putting on a mask, you need to try and be careful not to touch your face. You should wash your hands before and after putting on and removing the mask. Reusable masks also need to be washed regularly.

Welsh Government have created a video to show you how to make a three layer face mask yourself from an old cotton t-shirt and some elastic bands.

Meeting up indoors

There are new limits being put on how many people can meet indoors. Since August people have been allowed to create extended households which means 4 different households can bubble up together (but each household has to have the same households in their bubble). There was no limit on the numbers of people that could meet indoors, but this has now changed.

From Monday, 14 September, only 6 people from your extended household will be able to meet up indoors. It will be against the law for more than 6 to meet. This includes in your houses, in pubs or restaurants. Children under 11 won’t be counted as one of the 6.

Groups of 30 outdoors

You can still meet with up to 30 people outdoors at the moment but you will still need to keep a social distance between you. They say that children under 11 don’t have to stick so rigidly to the social distancing rules because it’s harder for very young children to understand and also studies say that children are less likely to spread the virus. It is still a good idea to make sure that they wash their hands often and you use hand sanitiser in between.

Try to keep yourself and others safe

Wash your hands – Your hands touch a crazy amount of surfaces during the day. Washing your hands with soap and water and using hand sanitiser regularly is still one of the best ways to reduce the spread of the virus.

Keep a distance – Socially distancing is one of the best ways to stop the spread. The virus can’t spread if people don’t meet up with each other, but it’s not practical or good for anybody to shut themselves away and not see anybody else. That’s why social distancing is really important. The further you are, the less likely it is that you’ll catch something from someone else.

Coughing – If you need to cough or sneeze do this into your sleeve or elbow and not into your hands.

Isolate – If you’re showing signs of Coronavirus then you need to self isolate and arrange to get a Covid-19 test. Click here to find out what you must do and how to book a test.


Just as Covid rules were beginning to relax, things are beginning to tighten up again. This is all being done to try and protect as many people as possible and to not put the NHS under too much strain. But although you might understand why it has to be done, it doesn’t make it any easier if you’re struggling. Talk to someone, and if there’s nobody you can talk to, then there are services out there that will listen. Meic is a helpline for children and young people in Wales, available by phone, text and online chat from 8am to midnight. Call 080880 23456; Text 84001 or Chat Online:

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