Looking for something to do this week? Look no further as The Sprout has your answers.
The big event this week has to be the Monster Jam Rally at the Principality Stadium. It’s far from cheap to get in- but get in touch quick and maybe we can sort you some tickets. It will cause some closures of road and rail so if you’re travelling on Saturday take a look at this WalesOnline warning.
In the Theatres…
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat continues until Saturday the 18th.
Lose Yourself at Sherman continues until the 25th.
Robinson: The Other Island at Chapter continues until Saturday the 18th.
Two batty Welshmen are racing an old banger 10,000 miles to Mongolia along with another load of similarly oriented drivers. They’re doing it in aid of Ty Hafan and Cool Earth, and you can see progress on their JustGiving, Facebook and Instagram pages. They’re having a free fundraising gig at Porter’s in aid of the two charities which should generally also spread the word about the crazy challenge. It’s 7:30pm Thursday. Facebook event here.
Funny Fuel returns, with local legend Chris Chopping heading the bill. This night of free comedy at Womanby St’s Fuel Rock Bar is always a good time. It’s from 8:30pm- FB here.
Cardiff Gaming Society has thrown out an open invite via Reddit to its gaming and board games night at Ocean Arts Cardiff. They’ll have a load of games consoles and board games set up. It’s free to enter.
This is a new one! Free breakfast at Global Gardens Cardiff. It’s the veggie breakfast to kick off your Friday, 1am at Cathays community centre’s Embassy cafe. Learn more about a plant based, locally grown diet- and even take some home. Facebook / Eventbrite.

Rocket League, yeaaaaahhh!
The big ticket event this weekend seems to be the Eurovision party at Depot. Get your tickets here for a fiver, or check it out on Facebook.
There’s also the Generation Games launch event. This is a new exhibition at Techniquest about video games. For this Saturday’s launch, loads of gaming based groups such as Arcade Vaults and Cardiff Gaming Network are gonna be there so you can get stuck in. Attractions include PlayStation VR, a Giant Game Boy, and coding workshops. More info and tickets on FB and the TQ website (Also on Sprout Events).
At 3pm at Tramshed, it’s once again time for Where I’m Coming From, the Open Mic Night that places an emphasis on disenfranchised voices including people of a BAME background. Facebook.
From 5pm, a zine making workshop from Smash Mouse, a zine maker. Don’t know what a zine is? Well, the Sprout has actually made them in the past! As the Eventbrite page puts it, it’s hard to say exactly what a zine is, it’s like a messy small booklet about the things that come to mind- not quite a magazine but more interesting than say, a notebook. Come along and give it a go! The event is free and it’s “pay what you feel” to participate. Get familiar with Womanby St this week- this one is at The Moon. Book on Eventbrite and Facebook.
The Pint of Science festival begins across Cardiff’s pubs. Aimed at an older audience obviously due to its alcohol-oriented title and locations, it’s a great opportunity to find out how modern science has progressed since your last GCSE science lesson in school! Check out the schedule of events here.
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