Families First In Cardiff
Families First offers help, advice and support to families in Cardiff. They bring together different services that can help your family. They will look at what you need and suggest the right help at the right time for you so that you can take control of your life. Here we take a look at all the Families First funded services in Cardiff.
**This is an up to date list of the Families First funded services available in Cardiff. Because of the recent changes to Families First there may be more services added or changes made to this list. Please check back regularly.**
For up to date information, advice and support about Families First services contact the Cardiff Family Advice and Support helpline free on 03000 133 133.
Families First Gateway – Cardiff Family Advice and Support
Cardiff Family Advice and Support
- Providing Information, advice and assistance to make sure families receive the right service
- Contact 03000 133 133 from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (4:30pm on a Friday)
- Talk to someone for support, advice and information about the services available to you
- Face to face meetings for families that need more time or support.
- Help you to make the changes needed for your lives
- Working with: Families with at least 1 child under 18 or expecting a child
- Website: Cardiff Family Advice and Support
Families First – Support for Parenting
Early Years Volunteer Family Support Service – Home Start Cardiff
- Volunteer led one to one home-based support.
- Looking at things that create barriers to parents/carers of children/young people.
- Helping families to access services and making sure they access health appointments.
- Working with: Families with at least one child under the age of 5
- Website: Home-Start Cardiff
Parenting Service – Cardiff Council
- Providing one to one and group Parenting Programmes based on needs eg. Gro-Brain, Parent Nurture Programme and Strengthening Families.
- Working with: Parents of children from birth to 18 years old or expecting a baby
- Website: Cardiff Council website
Public Health Dietetics – Cardiff and Vale UHB
- Train staff and community members to provide Level 1 Nutrition Courses to parents/young people
- Teach staff skills to pass on food and nutrition messages
- Working with: Children 0-25 and their parents, pregnant women, vulnerable young people (looked after, young carers)
- Website: Public Health Dietetic Team
Cardiff Women’s Aid – RISE
- Working with women experiencing violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV)
- Working through their issues with an Independent Personal Advisor Referral through the R.I.S.E
- Working with: Women who are pregnant or with children up to 5 years old
- Website: Cardiff Women’s Aid
Families First – Youth Support Services
Healthy Relationships Service – YMCA Cardiff Sexual Health Outreach Team
- 1:1 – One to one service providing young people with a specialist, confidential and tailored sexual health and relationships service.
- Schools – Supporting schools with training, information and advice to support young people with their sexual health and relationship needs.
- Providing information about risk taking behaviours and keeping safe in an interactive format for years 7-13.
- Group work- Factual and accurate information about risk taking behaviours and keeping safe. Delivered to years 7-13 in an interactive way. Can also be offered with Switched On to provide substance misuse information.
- C-Card – Handing out free condoms for young people aged 13 – 25 through the Cardiff C-Card Scheme. Giving relationship and sexual health advice and support.
- Working with: Young people aged 11-25 on an individual basis (13-25 for C-Card) and their families where beneficial
- Website: YMCA Cardiff
Pre 16 Youth Support – Youth Service, Education
- Targeted support for young people aged 11-16 in Cardiff
- Mentored support to reduce the risk of young people not going into education, training or employment
- Working with: Young people aged 11-16 that have been identified through assessment.
- Website: Cardiff Youth Service
Post 16 Youth Support – Youth Service, Education
- Targeted support for young people aged 16-19 in Cardiff
- Preparing individuals for education, training or employment (ETE)
- Providing support and intervention.
- Reducing the risk of young people not going into ETE
- Working with: Young people aged 16-19 that have been identified as having barriers to ETE
- Website: Cardiff Youth Service
Grassroots Youth Mentors – Youth Service, Education
- One to one youth mentor targeted support
- Working with: 16 to 25 year olds referred to the service
- Website: Grassroots
Grassroots Youth Support Workers – Youth Service, Education
- Open access youth service support at a city centre location
- Working with: Young people aged 16-25
- Website: Grassroots
EOTAS – Youth Service, Education
- Support for young people who are in education other than at school (EOTAS) to make a positive transition after 16 years of age.
- Working with: 15 to 17 years old in EOTAS.
- Website: Cardiff Council Schools and Learning Page
Family Mediation and Advice Service – Llamau
- Housing advice and assessment for 16-21 year olds
- Family mediation and welfare rights advice.
- Mediation service for young people aged 14+ and their families.
- Working with: 14-21 year olds and their families.
- Website: Llamau
Families First – Family Wellbeing Service
Family Wellbeing Service – Barnardo’s Cymru
- Supporting parents/carers of children and young people with emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
- Providing counselling, play therapy, therapeutic interventions and wellbeing group work.
- Working with: Families and family members who live in the Cardiff area (or whose children live in Cardiff) who need support for emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
- Website: Family Wellbeing Service Cardiff
Families First – Disability Focus
Disability Team Around the Family – Action for Children
- Information signposting and advice
- Family Support Practitioner offering support
- Support groups and coffee mornings for parents to share experiences and support each other
- Drop ins – one off support needs and small charity grant applications
- 1:1 sessions – parenting drop ins
- Coffee mornings – fortnightly group to meet other parents and share experiences and support
- Parent Nurture Programme – 11 week programme looking at the needs of parents with a disabled child
- Working with: Young people aged 0-25 and their parents
- Website: Action for Children Cardiff
Parenting Support and Independent Living Skills – Barnardo’s Cymru
- Parenting support for families with disabled children and independent living skills for disabled young people.
- 1:1 – Parenting support. One to one home visits looking at challenging behaviour issues in children aged 6+.
- Cygnet Programme – A programme for parents/carers of children/young people with a diagnosis of Autism. Designed to understand Autism, how young people with Autism experience the world and what drives their behaviour.
- Independent living skills – For those aged over 14 who need to develop certain areas of independence/skills. One to one or group.
- Working with: Children and young people aged 6-25
- Website: Barnardo’s Cardiff and Vale
Cathays Inclusive Youth Provision
- A supported youth group for young people with disabilities to mix with their peers through various activities.
- Friday evening youth club and holiday provision during school holidays (transport not provided).
- Working with: 11-25 year olds
- Website: Cathays Inclusive Youth Provision
Families First – Others
Time Credits – Tempo
- Awarding time credits to people who give their time to local services or groups
- One credit awarded as a thank you for every hour given.
- Credits can be spent on events and leisure and training activities provided by the network.
- Any services funded by Families First can access time credits and offer it as a way to recruit and keep volunteers.
- Working with: All services and individuals.
- Website: WeAreTempo.org