Chatting With AI: A Glimpse into the Future

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to interview a robot? Well, with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), that’s not as far-fetched as it sounds!

What is AI?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence! To keep it brief, AI is when computers or machines are designed to think, learn, and solve problems like humans do. They’re capable of solving almost anything… sounds crazy right?!

Find out more about AI, how it works, and the pros and cons of it.

Different platforms, different ‘people

There’s a whole bunch of chat-based AI programs, and although most of them do the same thing, they will all have different responses based on the questions or prompts that you give them.

I wanted to get on a personal level with some of the most commonly used AI platforms. You may have heard of them – ChatGPT, Google Gemini and the famous Snapchat ‘My AI’.

I find it quite amusing how we talk about AI with pronouns that we’d usually find humans using, it’s almost like we see them as humans even though they don’t really exist.

So, why are we interviewing AI as if they were people. Well… by asking these chat-based AI questions, we can find out their real intentions!

Is AI really the future?

I decided I’d be quick and simple, yet asking something I’m sure we’d all like to know… “Is AI really the future?”.

I asked our good friend ChatGPT and received a response that said, “Yes, AI is likely the future, as it is improving efficiency, and driving innovation across the world”. I found this really interesting, especially when using the word ‘likely’. It’s almost like ChatGPT can’t really be sure of its own future.

When asking the Snapchat AI, I was given a rather detailed result compared to ChatGPT. It reads, “AI is definitely shaping the future in so many ways! It’s being used in various fields like healthcare, finance, and even entertainment. The possibilities seem endless with how AI can improve our lives.” This was the kind of response I was expecting from ChatGPT however, in my opinion, Snapchat did it better!

Google Gemini on the other hand gave me the most interesting response out of all three Chatbots, I couldn’t help but laugh when I was met with a response that read: “Aye, it looks like AI’s the future, lad.” Thank you, Google, but I think you may have misunderstood what I meant when I said to respond in ‘British English’.

What do you think of the competition?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ask an AI chat bot what it thinks about its competitor chatbots? I decided to ask all three AI platforms about their opinions.

When asking ChatGPT what it thought about its competitors, I was hit with a fair response. “Snapchat’s AI bot is good for quick chats and fun interactions, while Google Gemini is more advanced, helping with detailed questions and tasks. Both are cool, but Google Gemini is a bit more powerful and versatile.” In a way, I was expecting a biassed answer, but it seems like ChatGPT has some respect for their competitors, or in this case, I think it’s acceptable to call them peers!

Similar to ChatGPT, Google Gemini was also super supportive of other AI chat bots! After receiving the same question, Gemini responded with “The Snapchat AI and ChatGPT bots are both pretty cool! They’re like having a couple of really smart friends who can help you with loads of stuff. You can ask them questions, get them to write essays, or even help you with your homework. They’re a lot of fun to chat with too”. I think it’s safe to say ChatGPT and Google Gemini would make a great friendship!

Snapchat on the other hand kept it simple with “ChatGPT is good at text responses, and Google Gemini combines AI and blockchain for data security”. A blockchain is like a digital notebook that everyone can see and write in, but once you write something down, it can’t be changed. It seems as though Snapchat went completely off track with the question when talking about Gemini. I decided to ask the question again in hopes of receiving an answer which was a little more clear than the last. Instead I was met with the exact same answer, which was rather disappointing.

So, what does each bot bring to the digital table?

Chatting with different AI bots reveals just how diverse and fascinating this tech can be. Each AI, whether it’s ChatGPT, Google Gemini, or Snapchat’s ‘My AI,’ brings something unique to the table. I found it super interesting to see how these bots responded to the questions asked, and especially their opinions on each other.

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