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Free and Cheap Things to Do in Cardiff: 25-30 April- RawFfest edition
It’ll soon be back to school and back to uni, hope you enjoyed Easter while it lasted. But this weekend, you’ve got Judgement Day, RawFfest and a host of other…
by Sprout Editor | 25/04/2019 at 3:05pm
Free and Cheap Things to Do in Cardiff: Easter Weekend 2019, 18-24 April
It’s finally here, it’s the Easter Weekend. In my family, we have a rule that if the temperature hits 18°c, we all have to pack off to Tenby for the…
by Sprout Editor | 18/04/2019 at 10:32am
Free and Cheap Things To Do in Cardiff: 21-27 Feb
As February draws its final breaths, I’m pretty sure I can hear someone talking about… Christmas? Noooooo!!! It starts earlier every year!!! On a more serious notes, for many Cardiffians…
by Sprout Editor | 21/02/2019 at 5:29pm
Free and Cheap Things To Do in Cardiff: 6-12 December
Not much longer now. I can smell that Christmas break already! Have you got your christmas shopping done yet? Judging by the crowds on my way home every day, a…
by Sprout Editor | 05/12/2018 at 3:37pm
Cheap and Free Things to Do in Cardiff: 29 Nov – 5 Dec
I wish it could be Christmas every dayyyy!!!~ Are you sick of the Chrimbo bangers yet? It’s not ACTUALLY Christmas Day yet, so I hope not! What are you going…
by Tom M | 28/11/2018 at 2:09pm
FREE Things to do in Cardiff: 26 July- 1 August
A long summer beckons… so long, so empty. That is, until you fill it with events freshly picked from The Sprout. Then, it’ll be over in a flash. To ensure…
by Sprout Editor | 26/07/2018 at 8:22am

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