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Black Rat Productions – Loot Richard Burton Theatre, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Saturday 3rd November 2018 Controversy at the theatre is one of my fascinations. What does…
by Weeping Tudor | 24/01/2019 at 5:11pm
Free and Cheap Things to Do in Cardiff: 4-10 October
Welcome back to the Sprout’s Cheap and Free things to do in Cardiff. We got some flak last week for missing one event. People were like, “How did you miss…
by Sprout Editor | 04/10/2018 at 10:49am
Review: BBC Cardiff Singer of the World Fringe Concerts @ RWCMD
BBC Cardiff Singer of the World Fringe Concerts – Britten’s Canticles, Llŷr Williams: Songs without Words & Brahms’ Liebeslieder Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama Wednesday 14th-Friday 16th June 2017 This June…
by Weeping Tudor | 06/07/2017 at 9:30am
PREVIEW: Man of La Mancha
“To dream the impossible dream…” That has been the mantra for Quixotic Cardiff, whose upcoming debut theatrical production ‘Man of La Mancha’ comes to the beautiful Gate Arts Centre, Roath,…
by Sprout Sub-Editor | 07/06/2017 at 9:00am
Review: Killer Joe @ RWCMD
Richard Burton Theatre Company – Killer Joe Bute Theatre, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama Friday 2nd December 2016 *white trash spoilers follow* The unbridled success of August: Osage…
by Weeping Tudor | 05/12/2016 at 10:00am
Get Involved: Youth Takeover @ New Theatre
Sub-Editor’s note: We’ve updated the article – please see below. Are you aged 14 to 25 and interested in the arts? Fancy a free opportunity to hone your skills with…
by TheTallulahReview | 29/07/2016 at 1:30pm

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