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Transport to Thrive Young Advisors Panel
If you’re 16-25 and have something to say about transport, apply to get on the Youth Advisory Panel! Why was the panel created? Sustrans have teamed up with the University…
by sproutadminer | 22/05/2021 at 7:00am
General Election Lowdown – Transport
What are each party saying about transport? Conservatives The Conservatives have pledged £220m for bus upgrades including ‘Britain’s first-ever all-electric bus town’ and road improvements for the A66, A46, and…
by laurahw | 11/12/2019 at 12:11pm
Interview: Adam Ali, Cardiff’s NextBike Angel
TheSprout got a chance to speak to one of those people that quietly keeps Cardiff running: here’s Adam Ali, a Cardiff Uni student who also works part time as a…
by Tom M | 08/05/2019 at 9:49am
Snow Storm Emma – Exclusive Video Report from Last Week
SNOW STORM EMMA News Report by David Malins, DJFMITV for WCBF News This video was posted last weekend, showing and describing the effects of Snow Storm Emma and the subsequent…
by DJFMITV | 27/03/2018 at 9:46am
#YourShout | UK Youth Parliament In Debate, 1 Million Young People Get Involved
With politics dominating our TV screens, Twitter feeds and everything else in-between this week, members of the UK Youth Parliament will debate a range of issues today, heralding the beginning…
by Sammy Sprout | 11/11/2016 at 11:44am

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