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Get Paid to Share your Thoughts and Experiences on Education, Employment and Training
ProMo-Cymru is looking for young people aged 16-24 who live in Wales to become part of a Research Advisory Group. Does this sound like you? The opportunity ProMo-Cymru is looking for young…
by sproutadminer | 10/01/2023 at 4:47pm
Calling All Young Artists and Gamers – Win £200 For Your Art! (OPPORTUNITY CLOSED)
Are you aged between 11-25 and think that gaming helps you with your mental health? Can you show this through a piece of art? Want to earn £200 for your work? TheSprout have the perfect opportunity for you. Please read…
by sproutadminer | 10/01/2022 at 10:00am
Free Training With Certification
Want a job in a creative industry? Want to upskill and make your CV stand out? Want to learn new skills quickly with industry experts? We have good news for…
by sproutadminer | 08/09/2021 at 8:36am
YMCA win Youth Excellence Award for Child Sexual Exploitation video
YMCA Cardiff have won a Youth Excellence Award for the good work of their Child Sexual Exploitation Steering Group, including an animated video produced by ProMo-Cymru (which also publishes TheSprout)….
by Sprout Editor | 19/07/2019 at 12:41pm
Talent Shines At TheSprout Video Workshop
Think you can’t tell a great story in a video filmed and edited entirely on your phone? Attendees of The Sprout video workshop last week proved you very much wrong!…
by Tom M | 07/03/2019 at 3:50pm
Saint David’s House comes down- former home of The Abacus makes way for public square.
The building known as St David’s House on Wood Street, near Cardiff Central Station, is going to be demolished during the next week. Demolition work starts tomorrow on the 120,000…
by Tom M | 26/02/2019 at 10:22am
#YourShout: Tell Us What #VolunteeringIs To You & You Could Win A £50 Voucher
Updated today. Originally posted 11:08am, 17th November. The Welsh Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) are looking to find out what volunteering means to you. We helped them put together a short survey…
by Sprout Editor | 23/11/2016 at 11:08am

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