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EU Referendum: What Is It All For?
Satellite image of the UK and NW Europe from above. Image source: wikimedia cc Winston Churchill once said: “You say you have enemies? Good. That means that you have stood up…
by dan45ist | 23/06/2016 at 11:07am
Interview: Festival Of Voice – The Last Mermaid’s Christina Modestou | VIDEO
Interview by Anya Jenkins. Christina Modestou (in the musical: one of the three Waves) talks about The Last Mermaid – new production created by Charlotte Church – in her interview…
by | 17/06/2016 at 3:38pm
Review: Festival Of Voice – The Last Mermaid & Opera For The Unknown Woman @ WMC
Festival of Voice | The Last Mermaid & Opera For The Unknown Woman | Western Studio & Rehearsal Room 3, Wales Millennium Centre | Thursday 9th June 2016 There has been a great…
by Weeping Tudor | 17/06/2016 at 10:52am
EU Referendum #11 | Brussels Tour | Interview: NATO Editor, Paul King: “In My Opinion, Brexit Damaging For The UK”
This series is being run by a young Brit who lived in Belgium for 19 years and now resides in Cardiff, known on theSprout as Ironfoot. The aim? To inform…
by Arthur Huxham | 15/06/2016 at 11:33am
EU Referendum #10 | Brussels Tour | Interview: Chairman, The Welsh Society In Brussels, Rhodri Thomas
This series is being run by a young Brit who lived in Belgium for 19 years and now resides in Cardiff, known on theSprout as Ironfoot. The aim? To inform…
by Arthur Huxham | 14/06/2016 at 3:32pm

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