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Not Even Water? – Your Easy Guide to the Month of Ramadan
Like myself, Muslims around the world take part in the holy month of Ramadan each year. This article sums up everything you need to know about it, and then some….
by mahidar | 25/03/2023 at 7:00am
“Boris would not be happy about this!”- the Cardiff Muslim women who are getting out on bikes
At the recent one-year anniversary of the NextBike Cardiff hire bike scheme, I spoke to Mymuna Solemen, founder of the Muslims on Bikes club. Muslim women face a number of…
by Tom M | 29/05/2019 at 4:17pm
#YourShout: 1 Million Young People Needed For Make Your Mark Referendum
Sub-Editor’s note: Last year, a total of 969,992 young people from every corner of the country took part in the annual Make Your Mark ballot – the UK’s largest youth…
by cardiffyouthcouncil | 20/09/2016 at 3:34pm

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