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Free and Cheap Things To Do In Cardiff: 7-13 March
Hey all and welcome back to your favourite happy go lucky cheap and cheerful Sprout column. No huge events on this week, but Wales are facing down Scotland in them…
by Sprout Editor | 06/03/2019 at 1:47pm
Free and Cheap Things To Do in Cardiff: 21-27 Feb
As February draws its final breaths, I’m pretty sure I can hear someone talking about… Christmas? Noooooo!!! It starts earlier every year!!! On a more serious notes, for many Cardiffians…
by Sprout Editor | 21/02/2019 at 5:29pm
Free and Cheap Things To Do in Cardiff: 6-12 December
Not much longer now. I can smell that Christmas break already! Have you got your christmas shopping done yet? Judging by the crowds on my way home every day, a…
by Sprout Editor | 05/12/2018 at 3:37pm

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