Review & Photos: Pride Cymru

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Article and photos by Anya Jenkins

Pride Cymru is one of the biggest events organized for and by the LGBT community in Cardiff. The festival’s mission is to celebrate equality and diversity at Pride Cymru. We gathered some photos to show theSprouters what the festival looked like this year.

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This year around 5000 people took part in the Pride parade. A great diversity could be spotted at the festival, too: from families with children to groups of students, from cosplay artists to athletes and…pirates!

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Pride 2016 was my first event of the kind. Coming from a country that has…let’s say controversial views on freedom of expression, I was surprised to see how peaceful and joyful the event was.

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Love is in the air!

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And a very special section: Pride Puppies.

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Dozens of beautiful performers made sure the crowd was entertained at all times.

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They were not the only ones to dress up.

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Needless to say, there was a lot of glitter.

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…and just a lot of happiness and harmony all around.

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Although the festival and the site of all the happy people filled my heart with love and joy, I couldn’t but notice how indifferent people at the event were towards the environment: cans and bottles, plastic bags and food leftovers left behind in the park and around the castle walls. I mean, how cold and callous a person must be to leave that lovely pizza all on its own? That’s probably the only downside of the event I can point out. Here’s hoping to see people be more caring and eco-friendly the following years.

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On the bright side, just when we were ready to leave, we met this stunning Wizard of Oz crew!

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Pride festival is definitely a special experience. I would recommend attending the event if you’re looking for a day full of fun performances, sparkle and glitter, laughter, hugs and kisses, freebies and expensive food/beverages.

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