21 talented young people in Cardiff created art about the effects of gaming on their mental health for the Never Give In campaign.
The campaign
As part of the Never Give In Campaign, young people in Cardiff aged between 11-24 created art about how gaming impacts their mental health. Each young person received £200 to create the art and be involved in the campaign.
Each young person involved was overwhelmingly positive about the effects that gaming had on their mental health, and also had a love of creating art.
TheSprout created artist profiles all about the incredible artists, their art, and their journey of doing the commission. You can read more about the campaign and the talented young people here.
The exhibition
The masterpieces were unveiled at an exhibition event on Saturday 19th March at the Good Game Café in Riverside, Cardiff. This was an opportunity for all the young people to meet each other in person and celebrate their achievement of being involved in a campaign and creating wonderful art.

There was free food and chances to game with each other on Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Fortnite. Young people could even take on SlayerJohn, a pro-gamer and CEO of eSports Wales.

The event was attended by professionals who work to support young people’s mental health such as Cardiff Youth Service and Meic, the information, advice, and advocacy helpline for young people in Wales.

Related Information
Struggling with your mental health? Check out TheSprout’s Mental Health Information Page where you can find loads of useful info on local and national support services such as Meic.
Cardiff Youth Service host a gaming club for 11 to 16-year-olds at the Good Game Café on Monday nights, 5-7:30pm during term time. Anyone is welcome to turn up on the night, check it out and get involved.
If you’re sharing our posts from the Never Give In campaign on social media, remember to use the #PositiveMentalGaming hashtag.