Are you one of the 400,000 adult or young carers in Wales? Do you look after an adult with health or support needs, or a child with a disability? Then this is for you!
When are the activities?
The National Museum of Wales’ monthly Carer days starts in May 2021 and is open to all unpaid carers. You might be an adult or a child, you might care for someone all the time or only help out some of the time, all unpaid carers are welcome, and all activities are free.
What activities will be run?
The National Museum of Wales ran a survey at the end of 2020 to ask carers what would be most helpful. The most popular answers were art/craft activities, social time with other carers, and useful information or talks. Consequently, they have concentrated on these themes and will then review the programme after the first 3 months.
Initially, the Carer Days will be online only, but they’re aiming for a mix of online and in-person activities longer-term.

Is there an age limit?
The main session is for all ages. There is a second second shorter session on each day which is for young carers under-26 only.
Please click the ticket booking link for full details of the programme on each day and instructions on how to join in.
Do I have to come for the whole day?
You can participate as much or as little as you like, you don’t have to stay for the whole session, you can join and leave as you need to!
Why should I get involved as a Carer?
Unpaid carers often face isolation, financial hardship, or poor health as a result of their caring role. Being able to engage with cultural or heritage activities can benefit everyone.

How can I get involved?
Click here to find out more and get tickets.
There are Welsh-participation and English-participation tickets to choose from.
If you would like to participate in Welsh please book your ticket at least 48 hours in advance of the day, as we need this amount of notice to confirm or cancel the interpreter.
How can I keep in the know about activities for Carers?
If you would like to be kept updated on activities, you can join the National Museum of Wale’s Carers mailing list.
You will only be emailed about activities specifically for carers, not about any other museum or volunteering news.
To subscribe, email:
Related Information
Check out TheSprout’s information page for Young Carers.
Find out what else is going on in the National Museum of Wales.