How To Get High Marks (Without Cheating)

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Article by twilightcrazedxxx. Originally published on June 6th 2012 at 10:49, republished today for the January exam series

It’s that time of year where we get our favourite thing ever! Exams.

We all stress about them, am I correct?

Here are a few tips to help you get higher grades:

  1. 1. Have plenty of water before you revise
  2. 2. Don’t revise at the last minute
  3. 3.Do revision earlier on in the day so that you can remember it throughout the day
  4. 4. Draw a spider diagram of what you need to learn (use colours it help the brain work)
  5. 5. Make sure all homework is completed and handed in on time
  6. 6. Pay attention in class
  7. 7. Don’t leave class for anything e.g. toilet, water etc.
  8. 8. Make sure you revise everything equally (or if you find one subject hard and one subject easy, take a few hours off easy and add them onto hard)
  9. 9. Plan a revision timetable.
  10. 10. Try to get inspired; for example I got inspired by Hermione Granger, I have often been compared to her, for my determination when revising

Following these rules gave me higher grades, my comparisons and praise (not saying I am a teacher’s pet)!

Please try your best at exams… good luck!


If you would like to talk to anyone about exam stress or other things, please contact Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for 0-25s in Wales. You can contact Meic by phone (080880 23456), text (84001), instant message ( or email ( between 8am and midnight.


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