This blog is part of TheSprout’s Supporting Young Cardiffians campaign. It tells the story of 12-year-old Dafydd, who got support from the Family Help Team, part of Cardiff Family Advice and Support service.
Why did you contact the Cardiff Family Gateway?
Dafydd explained that “mum rang up the Cardiff Family Gateway because I was having trouble concentrating. I found it not easy to concentrate or control my emotions. Mum told me that someone from the Family Help team was going to meet me and provide me with support and help”.

What support did you receive?
The support Dafydd received was through “face to face work” with “7 sessions at our house”. The sessions were “about my emotions and relationships. It helped me figure out what I could do and recognise my emotions.”
He explain that he felt comfortable with his allocated Family Help team advisor, saying that “the relationship helped because I wasn’t under pressure or stressed because I knew that Lauren wouldn’t be judgemental. We joked around and laughed and I could be myself around her and not be stressed. So I answered questions I was asked and felt relaxed a lot of the time.”
During the sessions, “we played Uno, Donkey the card game, Yu-gi-oh! and Rock, Paper, Scissors” with his advisor from the Family Help team.

How has the support provided by CFAS helped you and your family?
After the sessions, Dafydd said that he knew “how to recognise what emotion I am feeling” and “what a good mate is and how to be a good friend”. Now he says “I’m better at recognising emotions, taking time out and how to remove myself from a situation or argument before it escalates”.
What advice would you give to a young person going through similar challenges?
Dafydd suggests that if you are in a similar situation, you should “speak to someone, maybe the Cardiff Family Advice and Support service“.
Related Information
This is a true story from a young person who accessed help from Cardiff Family Advice and Support service. To respect the privacy of the young people who shared their stories with us, we have changed their names to keep them anonymous. To read more stories about how CFAS has helped young people and their families, click here.
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