Complete a survey about Cardiff, and you could be in with a chance to win some great prizes!
The Ask Cardiff survey
The questionnaire, called Ask Cardiff, is an annual survey undertaken by Cardiff Council.
The survey gives people living and working in Cardiff and those visiting the city the chance to share their experiences of public services: the good experiences and where things could be improved.
The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Why is the survey important?
By filling in this survey, you will help Cardiff council to:
- better understand how people experience the city and our public services
- understand what is important to you and your local community
- make changes and improvements to our city’s public services.
You don’t have to complete every question if it’s irrelevant, you’re not sure, or you don’t want to, but sharing your views honestly as much as possible is really beneficial.

What’s in it for me?
Last year almost 3,000 people shared their views with Cardiff Council by completing the survey, which helped inform decisions that the council make. Filling in the Ask Cardiff survey is a great way to make sure your voice is heard and help to create change in your community.
Once you’ve completed the survey, you can enter the Prize Draw to win a family ticket to skate at this year’s Winter Wonderland. You could also be in the chance of winning one of ten £50 FOR Cardiff Vouchers, which can be spent in a wide variety of high street shops and restaurants.

Related Information
You can complete the survey in either Welsh or English.
The survey is not limited to one per family, so share it with as many people as possible so they can have their say and be in with the chance to win!
If you have difficulties completing the questionnaire or would like some more information, please e-mail