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Aunty Sprout: Can I Sit My Exams in English Instead of Welsh?
Dear Aunty Sprout, I am in a Welsh-speaking school. I am having trouble with mathematics. Can I sit this paper in English rather than Welsh? TheSprout has teamed up with Meic –…
by Aunty Sprout | 18/10/2017 at 10:15am
Aunty Sprout: Toxic Friendship
Hi Aunty Sprout, I wanted to get some advice because I think that I need to cut myself off from this ‘friend’. I’ve known her since primary school and she’s…
by Aunty Sprout | 09/08/2017 at 8:00am
Aunty Sprout: How Do I Entertain My Kid Nephew In Cardiff?
Dear Aunty Sprout, I was wondering if you had any ideas that may help me. I babysit my 6 year old nephew on the weekends and his mum wont let…
by Aunty Sprout | 01/08/2017 at 10:51am
Aunty Sprout: Nudes Nightmare
Dear Aunty Sprout, There’s a girl I really like in the year above me, and we’re both on Snapchat a lot and she’s really funny. The other day she started…
by Sprout Editor | 14/02/2017 at 11:52am
Aunty Sprout: I Want to Choose Who Brings Up My Daughter
hello. i really need some advice. Im 17 and i have a baby. The thing is I am very ill and wont be around for much longer. Please don’t feel…
by Sprout Editor | 08/12/2016 at 8:41am
Aunty Sprout: My Friend is Bullying Me
Dear Aunty Sprout, There is a girl who one minute claims to be…
by Sprout Editor | 15/11/2016 at 10:08am
Aunty Sprout: Bullying Boys
Morning pumpkins! Another Sprouter needs your help, tips and advice… Hey Aunty Sprout, I am kind of getting bullied by some boys and I want you to give me some…
by zippedlips | 10/11/2016 at 2:09pm
Aunty Sprout: My Parents Are Getting Divorced, I Don’t Know If I Should See My Dad
“Dear Aunty Sprout, My mum and dad are getting divorced, and I don’t know if I should see my dad in contact. On the one hand, he has hurt my feelings in…
by Sprout Editor | 09/08/2016 at 2:10pm
Aunty Sprout: I Don’t Want To See My Step-Dad
“Dear Aunty Sprout, So… I don’t know my dad and it usually never bothers me but recently it was Fathers Day, which again never usually bothers me because I have…
by sproutadminer | 04/08/2016 at 2:01pm
Aunty Sprout: “I’ve Never Had Sex.”
“Dear Aunty Sprout, I’m the only one in my group who is still a virgin. Me and all my friends are going off to university soon, and every time we…
by Sprout Editor | 04/08/2016 at 10:44am

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