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Microvolunteering Day 2020: What is it and why should you bother?

First of all, what IS Microvolunteering?

Microvolunteering is a tiny act of volunteering; a random act of kindness that helps somebody else.

There’s not much to it than that.

But what is it about #MicrovolunteeringDay2020 that sets it apart from previous years?

As we’re all still in lockdown because of Coronavirus (or Covid-19), a lot of people who would normally need to be in work are spending their free time helping people from home. Plenty are posting notes offering to shop for elderly neighbours, or are raising money to help the NHS.

Image by: Carolina Garcia Tavizon

How can you get involved?

You might already have microvolunteered without even realising it, that’s how easy it can be!

If you’re stuck indoors and looking for something to do, or struggling to stay positive at the moment, consider doing one little thing. Share a positive message on social media, ask a family member or close neighbour how they’re feeling, or be creative and share a rainbow to pop on your window.

Need some inspiration? These are a couple of our absolute favourite Covid-related examples of microvolunteering. Enjoy!

This 99-year-old man, who is doing laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS:

Lego is asking people to build a little rainbow, to share a bit of hope and joy.
(They’re also donating Lego to the children of NHS workers.)

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