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Take Mind’s Young People’s Survey

The national mental health charity, Mind, has a survey for us.

About the survey

Mind has launched an ambitious programme to improve the information and support available to young people across Wales and England.

Our research shows that around one in eight 5-19 year olds has a mental health problem – that’s four in every class. But we know that mental health support for young people is approaching breaking point. We want to change this.

To make sure we’re providing the best possible support for children and young people, we want to hear about their experiences. Mind’s Young People Survey is the first stage of this process. It’s an online survey for 13-24 year olds and a safe, anonymous space for young people to tell us what they think about mental health and wellbeing.

By taking part, young people can directly influence the work that Mind develops over the next few years, and the specific things that need improving.
It only takes around ten minutes to complete and can be accessed by laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Click the link below to take the survey:

Mental Health

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